Work With Us
Mum & You are always looking for talented people to join the team. Since 2017 we have grown to a team of more than 13 and will be looking to expand further into 2021. If you share our vision and enthusiasm we’d love to hear from you.
If you like what we do, and feel you could make a contribution please send your CV and short introduction to
Why choose Mum & You?
Staying in a good place, physically and emotionally, is essential to being the kind of mum you want to be.
Mum & You is here to help.
Of course, we can’t babysit or lend an extra hand at bath time, but we can provide products that have been properly thought through for mums – that work quickly, feel lovely on the skin, and give you a lift when (and where) you need one most.
Mainly, we’ll help you keep feeling like you’re not only a mum, but also… you.
Because we're mums too.