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A time for helping the community

A time for helping the community

Donating To The Cause

Here at Mum and You, it has always been our mission to help other mums and children. And now, in these challenging times, our communities need that help more than ever.

That’s why, when The Hygiene Bank got in touch to tell us that their banks were crying out for extra nappies, wipes and toiletries, we were pleased to donate three large batches of our products to the areas where the need was highest. They’ve been distributed to parents who are struggling for basic hygiene products for their kids, in light of limited stocks in supermarkets and the difficult financial situation that the coronavirus has created for many. We’ve been working with this fab charity for over a year, so please go check out the great work they’re doing and see how you can help.


Hands up whose hands are dry and cracked from all the extra washing? Just think of what it’s doing to all our heroes in the NHS! We wanted to help and pass on our gratitude and thanks the best way we know how. So we sent a big stock of our Anytime Anywhere Hand Cream to our local hospital in West Middlesex (where lots of our own little ones were born!). Hopefully the soothing cocoa and shea butters will soothe their hands and let them carry on with their important tasks.


How you can get involved

Do you wish you can help in some way but feel hey, some days you’re just trying to survive looking after the kids, babies, school work, juggling your own work, cooking, cleaning, there’s no time to help others! Don’t panic, even just one small gesture can go a long way. Here’s five ideas that you get the children to help with too:

  • Fold up some cards and get the little ones to decorate them. Pop a message inside with your phone number and an offer to help buy food, medicines or just for a friendly chat if they’re feeling lonely. Post it to your vulnerable neighbours when out on your daily walk
  • You may have seen that children across the country have put up rainbows in their windows for everyone to spot when out walking. But it doesn’t need to stop there. Putting up regular new pictures and positive words spread smiles to all your neighbours passing by, especially those who live alone, and gives the kiddies something to do!
  • Are there any new mums on your street? It must feel strange being isolated at home unable to show off your new baby. Reach out, pop a note though their door or buy some flowers and leave them on the doorstep. It’s a great chance to make a new friend
  • Activity books (like crosswords, sudoku or adult colouring in) or a jigsaw posted to your elderly neighbour is a kind gesture that helps them pass the time when they may not have entrainment like Netflix and they can’t go out
  • Set up a private Facebook group or whatsApp for your street. It’s handy for checking if anyone needs anything, to just say hello and keep up to date with news in the area

Stay safe and stay healthy,

Team Mum & You xx

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