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Cheryl’s #BreakTheBias: Working Part Time With A Toddler Does Not Mean Time Off!

Cheryl’s #BreakTheBias: Working Part Time With A Toddler Does Not Mean Time Off!

This March, we’re celebrating Mum & More month. We know that becoming a mum can change your world entirely and whilst that’s often an incredible change, many of us feel lost or forget who we are.

As part of our International Women’s Day celebration this year, we asked you for your stories and experiences surrounding gender stereotypes, bias, and how you challenged perceptions of women and motherhood.

“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.”

International Women’s Day Website

The following submission comes from our customer Cheryl, who shares her experience with going back to work part-time.

When you start to work part-time after being full time for all your working life and people are like it must be great having all this extra time off! Having a toddler means never having a day off!

My little girl loves all vehicles, and this has never been challenged so think things are definitely better than they were. As long as a child is happy that is all that matters. It is hard and tiring but it is worth it when she hugs you or is sat chatting with you. Building memories makes it worthwhile.


Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with us.

View more Mum & More Month content here and keep an eye out for new content going live every day!

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