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Tugging box

This simple game helps baby learn cause and effect while also teaching them textures and colours. Grab an old M&Y box and puncture some holes in it. Thread various colours, textures and lengths of ribbon and/or laces through the…


If you have some puppets you can have a great time putting on plays for each other or role playing with them. Make up stories and give the characters names.  When you have used the names enough see if…

Where did teddy go?

Show your toddler the teddy and say, “Teddy is going to hide! Can you find him?” When your toddler is not looking, hide the teddy somewhere. Choose easy hiding places at first and once your little one gets the…

What is missing

Place 4 objects on a tray, encourage you child describe each object and what makes them memorable. Is this one bigger or smaller than the others? How are they the same and how are they different?. Now cover the…

Colour sorter

With coloured pots and/or colour cardboard rolls as chutes, create a colour sorting station. Not only can you simply encourage baby to sort the colours while you announce each one that goes down the chute but you could also…

Copy cat

Babies learn by copying others, which is why this fun game helps to feed his imagination, encourage his language and vocabulary skills as well as improve his hand eye coordination. Sit with baby opposite you and play a game…

Little rock star

Look around you (normally in the kitchen) and you will find an amazing orchestra of instruments: Some pans and wooden spoon = drum kit A container filled with rice or pasta = maraca A cardboard box and some elastic…


Blow bubbles into the air and announce ‘bubble time’.  Encourage you little one to move around and pop them by directing them to ones that may be floating away.  What a great way to start introducing your child to…

Exciting chores

Whether you are folding laundry or cooking dinner, baby will be watching and learning.  Make sure you comment on what you are doing and give baby something to discover and investigate, such as an item of clothing or an…

Co bathing

Sharing a bath together can be both fun and relaxing for you and your baby. Pour water over your baby’s body by squeezing water from a washcloth, swish the water around baby and play with rubber ducks, while singing…

Tummy time

Tummy time is important for baby’s physical development, so why not make it a fun bonding experience too. Lay on your back and lift your shins perpendicular to the floor. Place baby on her tummy on your shins while…

Walk in the park

Taking a walk in the park with your baby is a great way to get some fresh air and also stimulate their senses. Baby will be looking at you the whole time so this is your chance to engage…

Sock puppets

With just some socks you can build fun characters for your child to interact with. Make up stories and put on a play to help their imagination grow.…

Ball Games / Bean-bag Games

An easy way to boost your child’s self-esteem is to introduce them to some of your favourite catching games using a bean bag rather than a ball. It moves more slowly through the air and is easier to grip,…

Simon Says

Mummy, daddy, grandma or anyone else fun is designated Simon, your little one and his friends or siblings are the players. Standing in front of the group, Simon tells the players what they must do. Here comes the catch, the players…

Sleeping Lions

Nice to play with more than one child & great fun in or out of doors. They are the lion, you are the hunter. They have to lie as still as possible whilst you chat to them, trick them…

Toddler Hopscotch

One way to help your toddler burn off some energy whilst introducing them to numbers. Use some chalk and make a hopscotch grid outside or duct tape can be used inside on a rainy day. Number the squares from…


This super-easy playdough recipe is the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon inside. It’s quick enough to hold a young child’s attention and you only need a few ingredients. It can be stored in an air-tight bag or container. If your…

Sand / Water Play

Great for developing motor skills, but also just great fun. No need for expensive equipment or even to confine it to the garden. Fill a shallow seed tray with sand and a spoon or hands can be used to…


Even before your baby is mobile he can enjoy playing with a ball. As soon as he is able to sit independently, encourage him to roll the ball to you and you back to him. This can be played…

Mirror Play

Baby will start to recognise himself in a mirror. A child-safe mirror can be explored as the child begins to realise it is their own reflection in the mirror. Prompt conversations by asking ‘who is it?’ or ‘where has baby gone?’ when the…

Where’s Your Nose?

You can start playing this game at any time, but your baby won’t join in until he’s 3 or 4 months. Start simply: Ask, “Where’s your nose?” then point and say, “There it is!” Repeat the nose a few…

Lap Games

As soon as your child can hold her head up, sit her on your lap. Gently rock or bounce her while you sing or recite a rhyme. Surprise her at the end by dipping her down. ‘Row, Row the…

Farm box

Our boxes can be used for all sorts! Here we have turned it into the base for a farm, keeps the sand in once place. Chat as you rearrange the animals with your baby.…

Role playing Doctors

Is your little one a vet or a doctor today? Role-playing is a great way of modeling new language and letting them be boss. Be prepared for a lot of injections!…

Let’s go shopping!

A grocers, market stall or café can easily be set up by raiding the kitchen. So much to talk about, but you might want to replace the eggs with something!…

Little cleaning helper

It is surprising how helpful our little ones can be as we clean together & chat about the rooms & jobs. Try them with a damp cloth – they can reach the skirting boards nicely!…


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and prick it and mark it with “B” Put it in the oven for baby and me For baby and me For baby and…

Vehicle box

What else can you use our boxes for? Maybe your little one has a good idea. Name all the vehicles as you make roads & tracks together.…

Little kitchen helper

Your work at home is funner for your little one than it might be for you! Let them ‘help’ in the kitchen. Early on they can have a go at chopping soft fruits safely & you will have lots to chat…

Discovery Box

Have a go at making a discovery box – why not use one of the boxes you get our products in? Just hide objects inside & see if they can guess correctly what they feel. For younger babies use…

Picture dominoes & Snap

Picture dominoes & snap can help introduce new words as well as introducing similarities / differences.…

Instrument fun

Baby will love to choose her own instrument. Pots & pans with a wooden spoon are effective drums and can keep time as you rhyme together. …

Bath time!

Enjoy early role playing games to describe situations familiar to your baby. Washing a doll or washing-up are always popular because of the bubbles but be prepared to get wet! ….one for the garden?…

New discovery baskets

As baby begins to babble & build his own bank of words, encourage his interest with new themed discovery baskets. Your own descriptions will gently model the correct way of him saying a new word.…

Discovery baskets

A quick look around the house will provide inspiration to fill a discovery basket. Different size balls, bracelets, scarves, fruit and veg, even leaves, cones and sticks from the garden. Think about different colours, textures, smells and themed objects.…

Face discovery

From day one your baby loves faces. Looking at albums together or photos is a lovely way to bond & tell stories about all the people they will soon know. Older babies will love to hear you describe how…


Once your baby is 4 to 5 months old, she’ll be fascinated as you pop up from behind your hands. By 6 to 8 months, she’ll be playing along, hiding and then giggling when she makes eye contact. Your…

Musical beats

Add music to your rhyme time or dancing. Simple shakers are best to begin with. Go wild, no one is watching!…


Borrow toys from older siblings or friends to introduce new words to baby. Memory played ‘the easy way’ is a lovely visual stimulus for your chatter.…

Hide and seek basket

As baby grows and develops his pincer grip, you can super-size the discovery basket. Increase the fun by ‘hiding’ the objects in shredded paper or raffia. Rather than just say what each item is, ask a question and then…