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Travelling with kids – mum tips and more!

Travelling with kids – mum tips and more!

We’ve all been there. Getting on the plane and the children get restless and start acting up. Or being in the car for too long and the Cocomelon videos are just not doing it anymore! So, how do we make travelling with kids a tad bit easier?

Plan Smart

Before the actual travel, thorough planning is essential. Research child-friendly destinations and accommodations, and create a flexible itinerary that includes activities suitable for children. Additionally, make sure to pack essentials such as nappies, snacks, medications, and toys. That way, your child can be entertained and you can tan and relax with a nice book.

Keep them Engaged

Long journeys can be tiresome for kids, so it’s important to keep them engaged. Pack a variety of activities, such as coloring books, puzzles, or just a phone with child-friendly apps or movies. Play interactive games like “I Spy” or create a travel journal for them to document their experiences. Make sure you include them in choosing songs and if you catch them feeling sleepy, play an audiobook!

Pack Light

While it’s tempting to bring everything your child might need, packing light is important for hassle-free travel. Check if your destination offers rental services for baby equipment like strollers to lighten your load.

Snacks and Hydration

Hungry and thirsty little ones can quickly become restless. Pack a variety of healthy snacks and a reusable water bottle. Choose non-messy options like granola bars, fruit slices, or cheese sticks. Don’t forget to stay hydrated yourself!

Be Flexible

Remember that traveling with children requires flexibility. Unexpected situations can happen, such as delays or tantrums. Allow for breaks, adjust schedules, and be open to spontaneous detours. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination.

Okay now that the practical tips are done, it’s time for some mum tips from our team!

“Upset baby? Try blowing bubbles in the car! It will be unexpected and will grab their attention.”

“The Baby Sensory “say hello song” had a magic effect on all my children in the car, especially if they were crying. Find it in YouTube or Spotify”

“For longer journeys try wrapping up some small new toys from the £1 shop and hand one over when things are getting restless.”

“Keep your bag organised and easy to find with draw string bags. One for snacks, one for toys and one for spare clothes. Pack some Mum & You Eco nappies in between some clothes for some extras”

“If they get travel sickness avoid tablets and books in the car or keep to short periods. Avoid sickly foods such as yoghurt and chocolate. Open the window when you can. Have a bag ready with Mum & You Baby Wipes and kitchen roll for clean up and carrier bags or nappy bag to dispose of the sick. Also a travel potty with a biodegradable bag inside is easy for them to hold if you can’t pull over. Keep spare clothes handy in the car too and dress them comfy and nothing tight on the waist.

“For the airplane, reusable stickers that will peel off the windows are fun. Find triangle shaped crayons so they don’t roll off the edge of the table. And headphones will help with the airplane noise and to stop other people hearing tablets.”

“Our Mum & You Face the Day stick is handy when the airplane dries out the skin.”

“Keep a small pouch with a nappy, wipes, vest and babygrow that’s easy to take into the toilets rather than struggling with the big changing bag.”

“If you have more than one child and your partner is sat on different seats, make sure you both have a bag of essentials (nappies, wipes, snacks, toys etc).”

“Time feeds for babies as the plane sets off and land to help with ears popping. And remember it takes longer than you think from the plane setting off to getting to the runway. For older children, soft sweets they can suck and chew (avoid hard boiled). A spare carrier bag in the car or on airplane is handy for rubbish.”

That’s all we have! Small tips can help make travelling with children easier. Remember, it might be difficult but every parent has been there so we’re all on the same boat.

Happy travelling!

Team Mum & You

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