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Thank you for helping us donate in 2019

Thank you for helping us donate in 2019

As the year comes to an end, we’re thinking about all the people we’ve been able to help this year, thanks to our amazing customers! Because when we say we donate a proportion of our sales to help other mums, we mean it!

This year, because of you, thousands of bums and sticky faces have been wiped and looked after by our 100% biodegradable wipes and our eco-friendly nappies, donated to those in need!

And our Christmas campaign saw care packages and books delivered to over 100 families living in women’s refuges this Christmas.

So a huge, smiley THANK YOU to all of you as well as our charitable partners of 2019, The Hygiene Bank and ICAN.

We wish you a joyous Christmas with your loved ones and a Happy New Year!

Love the Mum & You team

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