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9 things to look forward to in March

9 things to look forward to in March

After what felt like a long winter, somehow we’re already in March and we have lots to look forward to! Here’s a round up to perk up your day.

  1. Host of daffodils – you may have spotted some already but soon they’ll be everywhere dancing away in the sunshine, as well as other spring flowers appearing
  2. It’s International Women’s Day 8th March – we love a chance to champion and celebrate all the brilliant women and mums and raise awareness of issues that effect us
  3. Mother’s Day Sunday 10th March – a day for you and your little one’s, hopefully filled with some fun and not just the usual day to day chores!
  4. Our sale – coming soon, keep your eyes our on emails and mumandyou.com!
  5. Spring arrives – officially Spring starts Wednesday 20th March, and we are so ready for it
  6. Easter – yup, Easter is early this year, and 29th March is Good Friday. Roll on hot cross buns and chocolate eggs!
  7. By 31st March the sun will set by 7.43pm – this is actually a mixed one as we love lighter evenings but it does make it harder to put little ones to sleep when it’s still light outside!
  8. Secret projects – ok we can’t tell you yet, but we’ve been working on something huge, which you’ll hopefully see at the end of March!
  9. New babies – who is due this month?!! We’re so excited for you!

We hope that put a little joy in your step.

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