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Charlotte C’s story

Charlotte C’s story

All my life I have “belonged” to the military. First as a daughter. Then for the last decade as a wife. It is the most amazing group of women who make up the WAGs of our military. Last March my husband left the Navy and, when Boris announced covid lockdown #1 we left the army patch for the last time the next day to move in with my parents until the airlines picked up and my husband could start flying big planes.

As we all know that hasn’t happened yet. So for the past 10.5 months I have spent the time living with my parents and my two boys whilst my husband weekly commutes. Despite their wonderful grand parents I find myself lone parenting for most of the time and that now includes home schooling my eldest. Something neither me nor my son are cut out for!

Like all mums in this situation I worry I’m not doing enough for my kid, or I’m pushing him too hard, is it affecting our relationship negatively for the long term, am I passing on our values that really matter to us as a family or is it lost in the noise of the home school battle, is my youngest missing out on mummy time because my entire day is consumed by getting my eldest to write his English work done.

I’ve started a new ward job at the hospital and perhaps that is putting my own parents at risk and takes up weekend days when I could actually see my husband. So many things to think about and no time to talk it through with girlfriends to try and get perspective and keep sane. I’m thankful I have a faith and I like to run and lift weights, which stops you going crackers.

I was so sad to leave the military family and the group of women who keep it ticking over. Looking back after such a weird year I realise what a privilege it was to be part of that community. I hope that out of this covid storm mums will forge communities and support each other in real day to day ways and not just online. 

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