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International Women's day

International Women’s Day 2023: #EmbraceEquity

Happy International Women’s Day to all the brilliant women that are reading this! Every year on 8th March, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global celebration of the achievements of women. A reminder to challenge gender stereotypes, call out…

25 Girl Power Anthems to Dance to in the Kitchen

Happy Friday to our girl gang! For all the women and girls in our lives who need a power boost of encouragement, this girl power playlist is for you! And no one really needs a reason to jump around,…

We’re Kicking Off Mum & More Month!

This March, we’re celebrating Mum & More month! Join us as we celebrate this dedicated month to superhero mums. Because you’re a mum, but you’re also so much more. With International Women’s Day falling on the 8th March and…

13 Inspirational Nursery Wall Art Prints for Little Girls

International Women’s Day isn’t only for us grown-ups. Celebrating our little ones and instilling confidence and a positive attitude whilst they’re young could make all the difference. At Mum & You, we’re big fans of gorgeous framed prints, especially…

Unique Baby Name Predictions for 2022

Last year, we brought you a blog post with the most popular baby names of 2021. We saw classic names such as Lily, Amelia and Olivia appear at the top of the list for girls, as well as Oliver,…

Easy Swaps to Make for a More Sustainable 2022

Making eco swaps and choosing sustainable alternatives to our usual picks is one of the best ways to live more sustainably, support eco-friendly businesses around the world and do your bit for our planet. If we all make small…

Mum Friendly New Year Resolutions

A new year welcomes in a season of change. It’s the perfect time to reset and make little changes that’ll benefit you in the long run. Some people make lots of resolutions, some people make one or two. some…

A Year in Review: 2021 at Mum & You

2021 was the year Mum & You turned 4 years old. It was the year in which we received 880 TrustPilot reviews. We released two new products AND a new campaign. We welcomed new employees to the team and we…

9 Ways You Can Help a Mum this Christmas

At Mum & You, we’re big on mums supporting mums. Christmastime is a busy and often overwhelming period for us. There’s always so much to do and simply not enough time to do it, and if you’re a mum,…

Your Christmas Gift Guide for Mums

Giving a thoughtful gift at Christmas is one of life’s little pleasures. When it comes to presents, picking out the perfect gift can be a stressful and time-consuming job. Shopping can feel overwhelming at the best of times, but…

Sustainable Hacks for an Eco-Conscious Christmas

Now that we’ve bid farewell to Black Friday, the festive period has officially begun and Christmas is fast approaching! Our favourite thing about Christmas is that it’s a time of love and cheer. It’s a time to share with…

Introducing our Member Rewards Club!

Mum & You knows loyalty deserves recognition. Over the last four years since our conception, our success has relied heavily on our customers. We value not only your trust in our products but also your feedback and engagement. You…

This is Motherhood: Watch our new campaign now!

What do unicorns and perfect mums have in common? They don’t exist! Introducing our brand new campaign, #thisismotherhood. At Mum & You, we believe that there is no way to be a perfect mum, but a million ways to be a…

Mumfessions: Why My Toddler Had a Tantrum

As parents, we are no strangers to toddler tantrums. They can strike at any moment including in the park or at the supermarket (a firm favourite!) and they often leave us feeling hopeless and exhausted. In these moments, you…

Meet our bestselling Face the Day Stick!

Have you been searching for a gentle remedy to protect your baby’s face from wind, drizzle, and dribble? Do you often find your child’s cheeks chap during the colder months and hate seeing them in discomfort? Introducing our bestselling…

What You Really Need in Your Nursery

Prepping for the arrival of your little one is a fun time but can also be a little stressful. There are countless of things we need to prepare in advance and no matter how many lists we make, it…

We’ve Been Shortlisted for the Mother & Baby Awards 2022!

We are absolutely delighted to share that our 100% Biodegradable* Baby Wipes and Nappychat Eco Performance Nappies have been shortlisted for the Mother & Baby Awards 2022! The Mother & Baby Award is the longest running, most prestigious and…

Aarushi’s story (Mum & You mum)

Hi, I am Aarushi, I currently live in New Jersey and I am going to be a first time Mum in May 2021! I was fresh back from a cruise trip when I first started hearing about the Covid-19…

Ashlie’s story (Mum & You mum)

Lockdown has certainly been a testing time for me and my family in many ways. Emotions have been up and down like a roller-coaster. The first lockdown I lost my Grandad who was my hero. We didn’t get the…

Beth’s story

My name is Beth and I am mum to 28 month old Tommy. Tommy has worn Mum & You nappies since the day he was born… never any other nappies – we love your brand!! 🙂 Alongside being a full time mum, I am also a student…

Beth A’s story

I’m Beth, I had the marvellous Edith in July 2020, I also had a little boy with very complex needs, Dougie, who died in 2018.  We also have my partner’s fab boys who live with us half the week so Edith has amazing…

Beth H’s story

I found out I was pregnant when travelling Asia with my husband. It was unplanned but a lovely surprise. We continued our travels until I got to 12 weeks when we returned home and quickly into the pandemic. I…

Bethany P’s story

I was a mum of 2 (Florence 6 and Henry 3) when lockdown 1.0 hit. I was also secretly pregnant with my third but hadn’t yet told my manager. I work as a physiotherapist, treating patients with neurological conditions…

Brooklin’s story – watch her video

I am a single mum to a 1 year old baby girl, it is just me bringing my daughter up by myself as I have no family or close friends. I never grew up in a stable environment so…

Caroline’s story

My name is Caroline and I’m a Mammy to my first baby. She’s now 13 months old today 💖. Katrina Rose was born 1st Jan 2020 on her due date. @ 12.33pm. I had a emergency c section as cord was…

Charlotte C’s story

All my life I have “belonged” to the military. First as a daughter. Then for the last decade as a wife. It is the most amazing group of women who make up the WAGs of our military. Last March…

Charlotte K’s story

In this hard year I kind of wanted to try and find the silver lining of it all. Yes, the pandemic has been terrible for our mental health and with the little one, but it’s also given us opportunities to be tighter…

Claire’s story

I have two boys (6 and 2) I work in the nhs and my husband works in the university. I have been unable to work from home so feel for me life has continued on as ‘normal’. Thankfully my husband has been amazing…

Erinn’s story – watch her video

My name is Erinn and I’m 27 and have two little boys aged 2 and a half and 4 months, we live in Devon. I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant around this time last year and…

Faron’s story

Hi I’m a first time mum. Was in the last months of pregnancy at the start of the first lockdown and had my little girl during lockdown in May. Had to go for final scans on my own and be induced alone…

Heather’s story

My journey into motherhood… tales from a caffeine deprived mum brain. We started lockdown in March 2020 with a positive pregnancy test after nearly two years of trying. Unfortunately we had a miscarriage just after our wedding in 2018…

Jemma’s story

This is probably a pretty common story throughout the pandemic but I found out I was pregnant just before the first lockdown. We’d just come back from a holiday in Australia where the virus had gotten to Tom Hanks and when we got back…

Jess’s story

My son is 3 & I’ve been WFH since March. Our childminder was open til my husband was furloughed in April. I’ve been working from kiddos bedroom so they could play in the lounge (still paying 1/4 to childminder to keep…

Jessica’s story

I’m Jess and I’ve got a little one who’s just turned 5 months called Ayda. Being pregnant throughout this pandemic was a lot harder then I thought pregnancy was going to be. I was on furlough and shielding from 16 weeks so my…

Jo’s story

So my name is Jo, I have 2 kids. A girl who turned 5, 2 weeks ago. And a little boy who is about to turn 10months – my lockdown baby! He was born April 15th in the first lockdown!…

Joanna P’s story

I’m a Mum of 2 nibblets. I had my 2nd child in August 2019 so was on maternity leave when Covid hit us. My husband left his paid job to try and start his own product design company 3 weeks…

Jodie’s story

I found out I was pregnant January 2020, when the world wasn’t a crazy place! I also have a 2 year old daughter.  I work as a nurse for NHS. When we first went in to lockdown March 2020, I was so scared/nervous to…