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Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

Toddler playing with lego

This week marks Children’s Mental Health Week, and this year’s theme is all about expressing yourself. This includes finding creative ways in which to share your thought’s, ideas and feelings. Some of the ideas that children can have to express themselves, is doing so through art, photography, drama, music or poetry. Whatever it is, it’s finding those things that make you feel good about yourself.

We have found 5 x different mindful activities that may help your child to open up and to help start  a conversation about their feelings or worries.

  1. Loooonnngg note – see how long your little one can hold there humming note for and then discuss how your child felt and how there hum sounded towards the end. Mindful monsters.
  2. Playdoh feelings – get a piece of paper and write down different feelings with a colour associated with it. Write down a few scenarios and see which colour your little one chooses, and ask them why they felt that way. Inspiration from Mindful Kin.
  3. Gratitude bracelet – this is a great activity to help children focus on what we are deeply grateful for. HOW IT WORKS: Get a pipe cleaner (or string) and some beads. String the beads on the pipe cleaner, making each bead represent something in your life you (/your child) are grateful for. It could be anything! A person, a favourite pet or toy.. your health. You can keep adding to it, and your little one will have a bracelet full of colour. Early mindfulness.
  4. Cosmic Yoga – this is a perfect activity for you and your little ones to do together. It helps to remind us why we should appreciate the good in each day. We could all use that a little bit more. Take a look at Youtube for all the activities.
  5. Lego building – LEGO and mindfulness have a special connection. Children can be as adventurous as they         want, allowing them to experiment, test out and build new ideas. It will also allow them to focus and to be aware.

Did you see the Duchess of Cambridge message about Children’s mental health week? Kate highlight’s that although it is Children’s Mental Health Week it is also crucial for parents and carers to look after their own mental wellbeing, and to share your thoughts and your feelings or find someone to talk to because we really do need to be the very best versions of ourselves for the children in our care.

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