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Home with the Kiddies – Little Chefs in training

Home with the Kiddies – Little Chefs in training

What better way to keep the kids entertained than getting them to help out in the kitchen?

They get a fun activity and to feel like a grown-up (which they love); at the same time you’re getting dinner/snack prep done with minimal fuss. If that’s not a win:win we don’t know what is?!

The Mum & You team have pulled together a few recipes that are really quick, are a hit with their kids, don’t make much mess, and are flexible enough for tiny or bigger kids to get involved.


Quick Crepes



  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 100ml milk
  • 50g melted butter

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl, blitz and the batter is ready. Add a little melted butter to a frying pan, pour in 1/4 of the mix and cook evenly both sides. Takes minutes and you can top with fruit or cheese & mushrooms for a breakfast treat or a delicious dinner. Yum!

Recommended by Silvia, senior digital creative, who likes that her 4 year old can help mix the batter and her 1 year old son can arrange the fruit on top. So everyone gets to take part.


Apricot Flapjacks

Flap Jacks


  • 225g porridge oats
  • 125g melted butter
  • 115g light brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup
  • 50g dried apricots (chopped)

Add all the ingredients to a bowl and stir well. Press mixture into small baking tin lined with grease proof paper. Pop into the oven for 10-15 mins. Allow to cool before cutting into squares and serving.

Recommended by Sarona, our digital marketing lead, whose children have developed a tendency to follow her around the house saying “snack, snack, snack” on a loop. Perhaps a result of the extra Joe Wicks P.E. lessons. She likes this recipe because it only really involves stirring, it only takes 10 minutes and they taste even better straight from the fridge the next day.


We hope you enjoy the recipes, please do share any of your own suggestions on social media using #homewiththekiddies or tag us in (@mumandyou). We’ll share our favourites!

For more hints and tips to help you keep your little ones entertained during the lockdown click here.

Team Mum & You xx


Please always make sure children are properly supervised in the kitchen, especially where hot ingredients and ovens are involved ?





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