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Lana’s story

I had my first baby in January 2020, not knowing what was just around the corner 😅 It’s been lovely being with her for her whole first year, not missing anything like first word or steps because I’m always there but it’s tough. I didn’t get to go to any new mum classes or baby sensory or anything, she wasn’t very socialised until she was like 6/7 months because we didn’t see anyone, my family and friends didn’t get to see her grow really at all. In September, I started doing online college for nursing but it’s all based online so I’m doing college work while having a one year old and it is HARD work hahaha. I would’ve loved to have her in a normal setting but I have enjoyed my time with her through the pandemic. I’m ready for us to be able to leave the house so here’s hoping something will change soon 🤞🏻 

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