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Our wipes and skincare* is vegan!

Our wipes and skincare* is vegan!

You’ve probably noticed the Vegan logo popping up all over the place in the last couple of years – in your fridge, in the bathroom, even under the kitchen sink.

We’re so excited to announce many Mum & You skincare products and biodegradable** wipes have now been awarded the badge too. This comes after a long time and lots of hard work to ensure our hypoallergenic skincare is the very best it can be – for you, your baby and the planet.

But why does it matter?

Vegan products aren’t just there to make life easier for vegans, they’re there to tell the world we want to reduce our carbon footprint. Making our products vegan naturally fell in line with our wider aim to ensure a safe world for tomorrow’s generation.

While veganism is gaining more popularity, it doesn’t mean we think all our customers are vegan. Just like we mentioned in our last blog post on Plastic Free July, perfectionism isn’t the aim, but helping you on your journey is. Many people won’t live a 100% vegan lifestyle, but opting to consume vegan products is still a great way to reduce your impact on the world.

Do you try to buy vegan? Let us know what our new badge means to you over on Instagram.

*Check individual product descriptions for vegan registration.

** Wipes are compostable according to European Standards EN13432 and are certified by TÜV Austria as OK compost Home.

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