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Springtime activities for babies and toddlers

Springtime activities for babies and toddlers

Looking for ideas to entertain your little one this spring? We’ve got you covered with indoor and outdoor ideas whatever the weather.

Outdoor Activities:

  • Nature Walks: You can’t beat a simple walk through a nearby park, woodlands or nature reserve. Let them explore different textures, colors, and sounds of nature.
  • Picnic in the Park: You might still need to wrap up a bit, but pack a blanket, some snacks, and take a picnic to the park. Let your child enjoy the fresh air while munching on their favourite treats.
  • Bubble Play: Blow bubbles in the garden or park. Babies and toddlers are often mesmerised by the shimmering bubbles floating around.
  • Sensory Garden Exploration: Visit a sensory garden if available in your area. These gardens are designed to engage all five senses and can be a delightful experience for young children.
  • Outdoor Art: Set up an easel or a large piece of paper outside and let your little one explore their creativity with chalk, finger painting, or watercolor paints.
  • Farm: Spring is a great time to visit a farm attraction, see the lambs and feed the animals.
  • Bug Hunt: Explore your garden or a nearby nature area in search of bugs. Encourage your child to observe them (without touching) and talk about their characteristics.
  • Gardening: You only need a small area to plant some flowers, fruit, veg or herbs together in pots. Sunflowers, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, mint and basil are great options.
Have plastic free baby wipes to hand during messy play for easy clean ups

Indoor Activities:

  • Spring Sensory Bin: Create a sensory bin filled with items such as silk flowers, plastic bugs, and colorful pom-poms. Let your child explore and play with different textures and shapes.
  • DIY Flower Pot Painting: Set up a painting station indoors and let your child decorate small flower pots with non-toxic paint. Once dry, you can plant seeds together and watch them grow.
  • Clean the farm: Grab your child’s favourite plastic farm animals (or whatever they like), a bowl of warm water, toothbrush and a toddler and let them clean their toys
  • Bath painting: Mix a tiny amount of kid friendly food colouring into a small amount of yoghurt in different pots, fill the bath with a little water and let them ‘paint’ the bath. Check a small area before you start to check it won’t stain
  • Spring Cleaning Dance Party: Turn spring cleaning into a fun activity by playing upbeat music and dancing around the house while tidying up together. Kids will love using a spray bottle with water and cloth on kitchen cupboards or bathroom tiles
  • Homemade Bird Feeder Craft: Create simple bird feeders using pinecones, peanut butter, and birdseed. Hang them outside your window and watch birds come to visit.
  • Spring-themed Storytime: Gather some spring-themed books and have a cozy story time session with your little one. Encourage them to interact by asking questions about the story or characters.
  • DIY Sensory Bottles: Make sensory bottles using water, glitter, and small objects like beads or sequins. Secure the lids tightly and let your child shake and explore the mesmerizing contents.

We hope these give you some ideas to have fun this spring!

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