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Surviving summer with the kiddies: Rainy Days

Surviving summer with the kiddies: Rainy Days

Don’t let the rain ruin your summer fun! From indoor forts to creating marble races and more, there are an array of indoor activities you can do to keep your little ones happy, even when the weather isn’t. Here are some indoor activities to try with your little ones this summer:

  1. Create Salt Dough Impressions: making this salt dough is as fun as making the impressions in the dough itself! Salt, water and flour are all you need for this fun activity.
  2. Make your Own Edible Play Dough:
    Play dough is one of those classic sensory toys that will never get old. For toddlers creating an all natural version is always best. The recipes listed here are some of the best we’ve come across. Throw in some cookie cutters to create shapes or grab some seashells from the beach and you have a great rainy day activity!
  3. DIY Moon Sand: Moon sand, also known as “cloud dough” is one of our favourite things to make on rainy days! With only two ingredients flour and vegetable oil, it’s so simple to make.  Moon Sand is super soft and can be moulded into anything!

Check out more #survivingsummerwithkiddies ideas here.

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