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nursery prep

Introducing our Member Rewards Club!

Mum & You knows loyalty deserves recognition. Over the last four years since our conception, our success has relied heavily on our customers. We value not only your trust in our products but also your feedback and engagement. You…

Meet our bestselling Face the Day Stick!

Have you been searching for a gentle remedy to protect your baby’s face from wind, drizzle, and dribble? Do you often find your child’s cheeks chap during the colder months and hate seeing them in discomfort? Introducing our bestselling…

What You Really Need in Your Nursery

Prepping for the arrival of your little one is a fun time but can also be a little stressful. There are countless of things we need to prepare in advance and no matter how many lists we make, it…

Mini first aid – here’s what you need to know

We love a good business by mums and our friends at Mini First Aid are just that. Founder (and mum of 6!) Kate started Mini First Aid at her kitchen table. Mini First Aid now trains over 1000 families…