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The top 5 mum and baby summer essentials

The top 5 mum and baby summer essentials

Days with a baby or toddler are sticky at the best of times. Combine that with unprecedented summer weather and you get stickiness off the scales. Whether you’re hiding in a shady patch of the garden, or riding out the heatwave with trips to the beach, we’ve put together our list of summer essentials to see you through:

  • Bright Eyes Gel.Let’s start the day with something for you. It’s hot – you haven’t slept. You’ve got a baby – you definitely haven’t slept. Wake up and soothe tired eyes with a cooling, brightening gel, designed to refresh and rejuvenate.
  • 100% Biodegradable Wipes.Ice cream consumption is through the roof, and so is the frequency of messy hands and faces. Pop these wipes in the fridge for a great forehead refresher when things get too warm.
  • New Baby Safe & Sound Hair and Body Wash.Nobody sleeps well after a hot day if they still feel the heat of the day on their skin. Relax your baby into a good night’s sleep with our gentle hair and body wash, perfect for washing away sand and salt from the beach and tear free for a happy bathtime. Our inventive range is designed to be used one handed, leaving you free to hold and support your newborn in the bath.
  • Baby Explorer Bedtime BubblesOnce your baby starts to develop their inquisitive side, there’s no end to the list of things they might end up covered in! So, if a bath is the only way to end the day, to wash away the yogurt, paint and sand, then creating some gentle bubbles is a great way of reminding them it’s time to wind down and prepare for bed.
  • Compact changing bag – The AndreaSpontaneous trip to the beach? Don’t want to heave the kitchen sink with you? We’ve designed a compact changing bag which comes in a handy waterproof pack, perfect for storing wet clothes and used baby wipes on the way home, while the storage section comes with a mesh pocket for easy access to just the right number of nappies for a few hours away, and keeps your nappies, wipes and other small essentials secure without the unnecessary luggage.

How are you spending your days this summer? Let us know with your sun-soaked baby photos on Instagram @mumandyou.

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