This March, we’re celebrating Mum & More month! Join us as we celebrate this dedicated month to superhero mums.
Because you’re a mum, but you’re also so much more.
With International Women’s Day falling on the 8th March and Mother’s Day falling on the 27th March, we thought we’d extend our celebrations for a whole month because two days just isn’t enough to celebrate YOU!
We know that becoming a mum can change your world entirely. Whilst that’s often an incredible change, many of us feel lost or forget who we are.
As part of our International Women’s Day celebration this year, you have the chance to share your feelings and experiences and take part in our 2022 International Women’s Day campaign.
“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.
Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.”
International Women’s Day Website
Throughout the month of March, we will be sharing your stories and thoughts on breaking the bias in motherhood, smashing stereotypes, and celebrating your achievements. We have an exciting competition going live, lots of fun polls, and a chance to let it all out with our Instagram Mumfessions series. You’ll hear from the Mum & You team as we share our experiences too, plus so much more.
This month is all about you.
And to kick-off, here’s a treat from us! Up to 75% off our entire website, live now, go go go!
Last year, we reached out to our Mum & You community through Instagram and asked them to share their experiences and stories of being a mother during the COVID-19 pandemic with our Celebrating Motherhood campaign. We received an overwhelming response and found that many members of our community found it somewhat therapeutic to discuss and analyze what they had been through during such a turbulent time.
You can read these stories here.

International Women’s Day Campaign 2021
We would once again like to reach out to our community and focus on this year’s theme, #BreaktheBias. At Mum & You, we want to raise awareness more specifically of bias women may face during pregnancy or throughout motherhood. You are welcome to share your opinions rather than personal stories too, and any positive experiences you’ve had.
Our aim is to share any responses we receive on our social media platforms to encourage this conversation and celebrate our achievements as women and mums. Your story can be shared anonymously and it can be shared with us through text or you have the option to upload a video of yourself discussing your experiences.
Fancy taking part and sharing your experience? Fill out our short survey here. You’ll find some points to consider on the survey if you are not sure where to start.
We are so excited to be celebrating women and mums throughout the month of March. Look out for more useful resources and blog posts and competitions and giveaways and keep checking back to see what’s new!
If you have anything you would like to share with us, thoughts, opinions, or experiences, please do get in touch or leave a comment below – we love to hear from you!
View more Mum & More Month content here and keep an eye out for new content going live every day!
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