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What is Baby Loss Awareness Week?

In the UK and around the world, October is a significant month for those who have experienced the profound pain of baby loss. It is a time when communities come together to raise awareness about this heartbreaking issue and offer support to those who have endured the loss of a child. One of the most poignant events during Baby Loss Awareness Month is the Wave of Light Remembrance, a powerful and moving tribute that symbolises hope and unity in the face of grief.

A time for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together, to remember our much-loved and missed babies, and raise awareness of pregnancy and baby loss.

Understanding Baby Loss

Baby loss, also known as perinatal loss, refers to the loss of a child during pregnancy or shortly after birth. It encompasses a range of experiences, including miscarriage, stillbirth, and neonatal death. For parents and families who go through such a devastating loss, the grief can be overwhelming, and the emotional toll immense. Coping with baby loss can be a long and challenging journey, one that often goes unnoticed by society at large.

Baby Loss Awareness in the UK

In the UK, Baby Loss Awareness Month is observed annually throughout October. This campaign aims to break the silence surrounding baby loss, reduce the stigma associated with it, and provide support and resources for those who have been affected. The initiative encourages conversations around baby loss and helps ensure that grieving parents receive the empathy and care they need.

The Wave of Light Remembrance

The Wave of Light Remembrance is a poignant and symbolic event that takes place on October 15th, as part of Baby Loss Awareness Month. At precisely 7:00 PM local time, participants light a candle in memory of all babies lost during pregnancy or shortly after birth. The candles are kept burning for at least one hour, creating a wave of light that sweeps across the globe, as time zones progress. The effect is both visually stunning and emotionally powerful, uniting people from all walks of life in a shared moment of remembrance and solidarity. Social media is flooded with pictures of candles and messages of remembrance or support

The significance of the Wave of Light Remembrance goes beyond the act of lighting a candle. It serves several essential purposes:

  1. Honouring Lost Babies: This event provides a beautiful and meaningful way to honor the lives of the babies who were taken too soon. It allows parents and families to express their love and grief openly, promoting healing.
  2. Raising Awareness: The Wave of Light draws attention to the prevalence of baby loss and the need for increased awareness, research, and support. By participating, individuals contribute to the broader conversation about this important issue.
  3. Offering Comfort and Unity: Grieving parents and families often feel isolated in their grief. The Wave of Light brings people together, reminding them that they are not alone and that there is a community of support available to them.
  4. Breaking the Silence: One of the most significant barriers to healing after baby loss is the silence that often surrounds it. The Wave of Light encourages open conversations, making it easier for those who have experienced baby loss to seek help and share their stories.

How You Can Participate

Participating in the Wave of Light Remembrance is a simple yet powerful way to show your support for those affected by baby loss. Here are some steps to get involved:

  1. Light a Candle: On October 15th at 7:00 PM, light a candle and keep it burning for at least an hour. You can do this at home, with friends, or as part of a local or online event.
  2. Share Your Tribute: Take a photo or video of your candle and share it on social media using the hashtag #WaveOfLight. This helps spread awareness and connect with others who are participating.
  3. Donate: Consider making a donation to a baby loss charity or organisation (see list below). Many groups work tirelessly to support grieving families and fund research to prevent future losses.
  4. Attend an Event: Check if there are local events or virtual gatherings in your area to participate in. These events often provide a sense of community and solace to those in need.
  5. Buy a remembrance star from charity Tommy’s and help fund research into baby loss. Buy here.

Charity’s for Support or to Make a Donation

If you need support with baby loss, or you wish to understand more around baby loss or make a donation, heres a list of charities working together on baby loss.

  • Baby Loss Awareness – leading awareness of baby loss and Wave of Light Remembrance
  • Sands – the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity
  • Bliss – for babies born premature or sick
  • The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust – providing information and support for women enduirng an ectopic pregnancy
  • The Lullaby Trust – support for families who lost a child to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • The Miscarriage Association – support for those affected by miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy
  • Tommy’s – the UK’s largest charity funding research into pregnancy and baby loss
  • Abigail’s Footsteps – improving the care given in hospital and at home following stillbirth
  • Twins Trust – supporting twins, triplets and more

How to support a friend who has experienced baby loss

It can be difficult to know what to say but you want to be there to support your friend. Read our blog to help you find the words.

Together, we can shine a light on baby loss and work towards a world where every family can find the support and understanding they deserve.

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