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A Mother’s Day Rally Call

A Mother’s Day Rally Call

Mother’s Day falls at a rather strange time for us all this year. We might not be feeling that celebratory but we do want to take a moment today to recognise and celebrate all the amazing feats that us mums will undertake over the coming weeks. You are all our heroes, don’t you forget it!

Brave for the moments your kids get overwhelmed

Organised for the moments only you could anticipate

Patient for the moments they fight / tantrum / trash your make-up

Adventurous for the moments you let them lead

Playful for the moments cabin fever feels like a real thing

Relentless in your quest to make each day exciting

Resilient for the moment the remote control goes missing

Strong for the moments your mum needs your support

Open for the moments you need your mum’s support

Adaptable for the moments you’ve got to wfh but the toddler won’t nap

Creative for the moments you’re head teacher and chief storyteller


You are a mum. Which means…
You are a super human.
You have amazing qualities you may not recognise.
You are part of an incredible tribe.

#strongtogether #mumandyou

 We hope you like the pic of our Mum & You team doing their thing (with a little help from their mums).

Happy Mother’s Day you wonderful bunch xx

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