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Marvellous midwives on a mission for Mums!

Marvellous midwives on a mission for Mums!

‘We love working with Mum & You, because we know first hand the crucial importance of supporting mothers to care for their baby. Mum & You create products by mothers, for mothers, with a focus on encouraging mother-infant attachment, and nurturing relationships’

– Sheena Byrom

Becoming a Mum is a BIG DEAL. We know that the whole experience of pregnancy, birth and looking after a newborn can be absolutely overwhelming and exhausting, as well as being literally the best thing that’s ever happened to you. That said, some days it can seem impossible to even find the time to put a brush through your own hair, and so many Mums (including us!) often feel like they are at the bottom of the pile of people who get looked after.

Midwives are brilliant at helping us take care of ourselves when we are pregnant and after giving birth, and they play a hugely important part in our journey to becoming a Mum, whether it’s our first, second or even seventh baby!

Here at Mum & You, we are just thrilled to have partnered up with an amazing midwife team to promote self-care and community support for Mums during the most exciting but challenging times of our lives.

Mum-daughter midwife duo Sheena and Anna Byrom are on a mission!

These two awe-inspiring women between them have caught thousands of babies as they were born, published books, coached midwifery teams up and down the country, and been the rock for thousands of women through pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. Their message is simple; taking care of Mums is super important, and if we take good care of Mums then babies and families will grow up healthy and happy.

Watch our interview with Sheena and Anna to find out more about the importance of taking care of Mums – honestly, watching this film is like getting a hug from these two amazing women!


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Self-care tips for Mums:

Keep hydrated – try and drink plenty of water, especially while you are pregnant or feeding your baby. Asking your partner to bring you a glass of water every time you sit down to feed is a great habit to get into.

Eat properly – make time to have breakfast, lunch and dinner – and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – one of the most helpful things your family and friends can do is to make you something healthy to eat. Never mind you making cups of tea when they visit, ask them to make you soup and a sandwich!

Rest – you don’t need to say yes to every single visitor, they can wait! Put a sign on the door – ‘Mum & baby sleeping, please call back later’ and get the sleep you need!

Ask for help – don’t be afraid to tell your partner or somebody close to you what it is you need. Sometimes it can be hard for them to know the right way to support you, so just give it to them straight! Buying milk or putting a wash on might seem obvious to you if you are used to being in charge, but if you spell it out, it’s more likely to get done!

Speak to your midwife – many Mums find they need extra support, especially in the first few months. It’s so important that Mums get the help they need to feel well and happy so that they can enjoy their baby and their experience of being a Mum.

Midwives play a huge role in women’s lives, whatever your experiences. From keeping an eye on your poor swollen ankles to being there for you in the middle of the night when your waters go, marvellous midwives like Sheena and Anna provide amazing support to Mums and babies everywhere. They know how important Mums are before you even become a Mum.

But who looks after the midwives while they are looking after Mums and babies? Keeping active and hydrated, eating healthily and getting enough sleep are all really important self-care tips for midwives too. If they are looking after themselves, then they are better equipped to take care of Mums and babies. Mum & You have sponsored some exclusive self-care advice just for midwives, available only on All4Maternity. Non-members can watch the taster film here.

We think Sheena and Anna are amazing, and we are bursting with pride to be partnering with them. Look out for more exclusive content from them coming soon on the Mum & You blog.

Wishing you soup, sandwiches and support from those that count. Mum & You.

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