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Mum & You on a mission

Mum & You on a mission

From the moment Mum & You was a mere seedling in our founder’s brain, its main purpose was to help people – specifically families and, within those, children – who needed it most. Why? Because we wanted to create a company that, at its heart, helps support a world where children are happy, healthy and living to reach their full potential. While there is no silver bullet to make this happen, we believe that by helping, supporting and caring for Mothers, it’s far more likely their children will benefit too.

And so it came to be…before our first penny was made, we kept true to our initial purpose and commited to help families that needed it most. This November we gave 2000 nappies and many more wipes to the Trussell Trust food bank distribution centre in Coventry. They distribute via over 400 foodbanks, giving emergency food and support to people in crisis across the UK, where thirteen million people live below the poverty line. After a few emails, we chatted and met to work out our plan. Mum & You wipes and nappychat nappies are already being used by Mums who need it most thanks to this early partnership. Trussell Trust’s Gavin Kibble says, “Nappies are high value items that parents on very low incomes find difficult to afford, particularly in the winter season when there are competing demands on household budget. It’s a joy to be able to offer nappies and other baby products as part of our food bank three day parcel. Thank you Mum & You!” By the way, it’s Colin you can see here in this picture with his trolley loaded with Mum & You nappies & wipes.

Our support of the Trussell Trust will continue and, as we grow as a company, it will remain. We wanted you to be the first to know that we’ve put our money where our mouth is from the start in helping these Mums.

But Mum & You hasn’t stopped there. We are building partnerships across communities and around the country. Mum & You is working with Save the Children to help identify pockets of young Mums who need our help. With introductions to Peabody, the oldest and largest housing association in London, we are providing free nappies to Mums who simply can’t make ends meet. Deliveries are also being made to Casecade Baby Bundles, based in Cheshire, supporting families on low incomes who suffer intense financial hardship and who, increasingly, are being forced to rely on food banks. Casecade provide newborn baby essentials to struggling Mums and we, at Mum & You, are very proud that our nappies will form part of some of those bundles.

Our purpose will expand over time to support Mums who want to get back to work, with loans, bursaries and mentoring. We’re even planning to operate an accessible “Mother’s Den” style innovation hub – if parents have ideas for great products that don’t exist, and could really work, Mum & You will work with you to make them an on-the-shelf reality. Email your ideas from now to If you’re a company, we’re looking to grow powerful partnerships with like-minded organisations who know how much Mothers matter.

As Mum & You develops and expands this fundamental part of our company, we’ll keep you posted on the progress. In the meantime, check out our website for the latest offers on nappy and wipes bundles, story ideas for your little ones and a general nosy at our gorgeous photos. And remember – every product you buy really does help another Mum. So, thank you to all of you!

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