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Rachel’s story (Mum & You mum)

Rachel’s story (Mum & You mum)

When lockdown 1.0 hit, I was in that blissfully unaware state that this was a very short term thing and everything would be back to normal soon. I remember telling friends with autumn weddings not to worry, it would all be fine by then. Oh how wrong I was!

I came back to work from mat leave after having my little boy around the third week of lockdown. Apart from it being strange that my commute was upstairs to my bedroom, it was actually a blessing for us that I could ease back into work gently and still be at home for my 9 month old who I was breastfeeding. We felt thankful that we didn’t have anything big going on in our lives (previous years had been busy with our wedding, having twins, relocating, house renovation and then my third baby!) and we enjoyed staying in as a family and not having the pressure of rushing around.

Fast forward several months later and suddenly it was lockdown in winter, my placid baby had turned into a climbing, clingy toddler and my twins needed snacks, more snacks and homeschooling, in that order. The days seemed much darker and like most of my friends, I’ve really struggled mentally and physically. I’m exhausted. We also decided to relocate back up north to be closer to family which added to our stress!

Although I’m incredibly thankful and grateful for our health I’m so over this now and just can’t wait for warmer days and having loved ones round to our new home and to watch my children play with their grandparents and cousins again.

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