Plastic free July. 25% off all wipes! Use code: PLASTICFREE
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plastic free

Easy Swaps to Make for a More Sustainable 2022

Making eco swaps and choosing sustainable alternatives to our usual picks is one of the best ways to live more sustainably, support eco-friendly businesses around the world and do your bit for our planet. If we all make small…

How do you care for your derriere?

We’ll just come out and say it. Our bottoms are neglected. We don’t treat them with the sensitive kindness that they deserve, nor do we appreciate the hard work our bums put in for us every day when we’re…

Your Christmas Gift Guide for Mums

Giving a thoughtful gift at Christmas is one of life’s little pleasures. When it comes to presents, picking out the perfect gift can be a stressful and time-consuming job. Shopping can feel overwhelming at the best of times, but…

Sustainable Hacks for an Eco-Conscious Christmas

Now that we’ve bid farewell to Black Friday, the festive period has officially begun and Christmas is fast approaching! Our favourite thing about Christmas is that it’s a time of love and cheer. It’s a time to share with…

Don’t flush! Our CEO Rajiv Chandra Interviewed on BBC News

Yesterday afternoon our CEO Rajiv Chandra was interviewed on BBC News with presenter Jane Hill during a segment on wipes pollution and microplastics. Discussions about wet wipes being a big contributor to plastic pollution have been ongoing for many years…

Coming soon: Big new summer arrivals

We’ve been super busy working on some exciting new products for our lovely tribe of parents and they’re nearly here! ? Always helping you protect and care for your family, we’ve got an extra handy addition for your nappy bag and…

Blue background with plastic free wipes and mum skincare

5 ways to refuse single use plastic for Plastic Free July

This month, we’re celebrating Plastic Free July! Plastic Free July is a global movement to inspire and educate people all over the world to reduce and refuse everyday single-use plastic at home, work, school and even at your local…

Say no to plastic wet wipes

Thanks to a media spotlight on plastic pollution, manufacturers of traditional wet wipes have been unveiled as major pollutants in the fight against plastic. But there is an answer. Mum & You created their biodegradable baby wipe in 2016,…