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Silvia’s story (Mum & You mum)

Silvia’s story (Mum & You mum)

I’m Silvia, one of the mums behind Mum & You. This is a bit of my 2020 story.

We live in Barcelona – and the first wave of the pandemic was specially hard for us. I’m a mum of 2 – and when everything started – a year ago – my daughter was 4 and my son was 20 months old.

In Barcelona, children were in complete lockdown and not allowed to leave the house for 52 days. And when I say complete lockdown I mean not being able to go for a walk, or even go to the park. They could not set foot on the street. They were locked in for 52 days. We live in a flat with a small balcony 4square meter and have an office – (so we are lucky). We had to get creative and get by as best as we could.

It was tough. Very tough. The fact that being at home with little ones that require sooo much attention while working full time and not being able to have any kind of help around the house was extremely challenging and exhausting.

It’s curious how from the most adverse and challenging periods of our lives sometimes some of the best things result from it.

It has been a longtime dream of mine to write and illustrate children’t books. And during those tough 52 days… I did.

I wrote and illustrated a children’s book. At night, on the days my husband would put the children to sleep, I would get some “me time” and I would start drawing. It made me feel me, relaxed, and I wrote a book for my children and her friends (who went to the Penguin’s class) about our experiences and what we were going through. It was about a Little Penguin that had to stay home for a while with his family.

I’ve been able to make my dream come true in the hardest and most complicated time of my life. I got inspiration from it. It helped me to end the days in a positive state of mind.

I tried to get it published but because of Covid everything had stopped… but I dreamt of going forward. So I decided to publish my stories & books myself. A year later I’ve self-published it and it is now available on Amazon. The book is called “Stay home penguin” if you wish to see how we lived the experience at home – I hope you will enjoy it!

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