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There’s help if you need it

There’s help if you need it

Having a baby is meant to be a happy time but sometimes parents can feel overwhelmed – your feelings are perfectly normal and you are not alone!  Try reaching out to friends and family to talk or ask for practical help. Or contact your health visitor or GP if you need some extra help. There’s a wealth of support out there if you need it. Here’s some key websites and helplines you can access.


National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300 330 0700

National Breastfeeding UK: 0300 100 0212

La Leche League Breastfeeding (LLL): 0345 1202918

Association for Postnatal Illness (APNI): 0207 386 0868

Family Lives England/Wales (general parent support): 0808 800 2222

Children 1st Parentline Scotland: 0800 028 2233

Twins Trust (twins, triplets, quads): 0800 138 0509

Gingerbread (for single parents): 0808 802 0925

Contact (families with disabled children): 0808 808 3555

National Domestic Abuse (link opens in new tab): 0808 2000 247

Samaritans: 116 123

The Trussell Trust for foodbanks

Hygiene Bank for toiletries

Home Start for practical help


We hope this helps. Take care,

Team Mum and You xx

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