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Mum Friendly New Year Resolutions

A new year welcomes in a season of change. It’s the perfect time to reset and make little changes that’ll benefit you in the long run. Some people make lots of resolutions, some people make one or two. some…

How do you care for your derriere?

We’ll just come out and say it. Our bottoms are neglected. We don’t treat them with the sensitive kindness that they deserve, nor do we appreciate the hard work our bums put in for us every day when we’re…

9 Ways You Can Help a Mum this Christmas

At Mum & You, we’re big on mums supporting mums. Christmastime is a busy and often overwhelming period for us. There’s always so much to do and simply not enough time to do it, and if you’re a mum,…

Your Christmas Gift Guide for Mums

Giving a thoughtful gift at Christmas is one of life’s little pleasures. When it comes to presents, picking out the perfect gift can be a stressful and time-consuming job. Shopping can feel overwhelming at the best of times, but…

Sustainable Hacks for an Eco-Conscious Christmas

Now that we’ve bid farewell to Black Friday, the festive period has officially begun and Christmas is fast approaching! Our favourite thing about Christmas is that it’s a time of love and cheer. It’s a time to share with…

Meet our bestselling Face the Day Stick!

Have you been searching for a gentle remedy to protect your baby’s face from wind, drizzle, and dribble? Do you often find your child’s cheeks chap during the colder months and hate seeing them in discomfort? Introducing our bestselling…

Mumfessions: Pregnancy & Motherhood

Becoming a mum is no easy feat. From the moment you begin thinking about getting pregnant, your world changes. Your lifestyle, mindset and body all adjust in anticipation of your little arrival in the short space of just a…

We Won Silver in the Dadsnet Product Awards 2021!

We are incredibly proud to share with you that our Baby Shower Skincare Bundle for Mums-to-be has won silver in the Dadsnet Product Awards 2021! Over the last 2 months, dad judges at Dadsnet have been scoring and voting…

The most popular baby names of 2021

Choosing a name for your baby is something most parents-to-be will spend time thinking about long before the arrival of their bundle of joy – and there are a lot of things to consider. You may choose names with…

Coming soon: Big new summer arrivals

We’ve been super busy working on some exciting new products for our lovely tribe of parents and they’re nearly here! ? Always helping you protect and care for your family, we’ve got an extra handy addition for your nappy bag and…

Loneliness and maternity leave

This week is #LonelinessAwarenessWeek and it feels like the perfect moment to shine a light on the topic, specifically in relation to motherhood. A little bit of a taboo subject, loneliness is seldom addressed or prepared for with the…